“I saw it plainly, as I had anticipated. He resembles the one who vanished in appearance. Eden adored the gorgeous jewel-like guppy, then all of a sudden it vanished. Daymon then shows up before Eden as her private tutor; he looks exactly like the missing guppy. The tale of Daymon, a private instructor who looks for something that will never change, and Eden, a young master who seeks the location of a lovely creature.
Following the demise of his family, Damon was a vagrant. He then finds out that the naive young master Eden’s private tutoring job is open. However, Damon’s expectations are not met by living in the house. He begins to believe that accepting this job was a trap from the start the longer he stays there. Eden, lonely and unable to control his feelings, blushes in Damon’s presence from the moment they first meet. Damon accepts the position with assurance, believing that he can live comfortably in the mansion if he wins Eden’s favor. “From now on, I will stay here and serve you, young master.”