Business student Ma Dongjae is cursed with only ever falling for ultra-straight dudes, so you can just imagine the luck he’s had with love. All he really wants is a relationship of his own, but his own poor taste keeps getting in the way! Finally, Dongjae is propositioned, but…it’s by a weirdo in the campus changing rooms. It doesn’t matter how sexy he is, Dongjae has to turn him down, obviously! That should be the end of it, but fate just loves messing with Dongjae, and so they end up not only sharing a class but also being assigned to work on the same project! The thing is, the cool and aloof man who introduces himself is nothing like the creep Dongjae met before. One minute he’s hot, the next minute he’s cold, and half the time he seems to forget they’ve ever even spoken. It’s almost like he’s two different people…